Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Another rainy day in Oregon

Having spent the past weeks of Holiday's with mothers family things seem like they can go back to normal now. Being in Medford & Brookings with mother, grandmother and uncle over the holidays for the first time ever, prooved to be an interesting challenge! Rainy days, family tension - but good food and memories of us together like this for the first time.

Back in Cottage Grove now, hoping to find a social life, a gym and things to inspire my future. The rain is still pouring down, as it has for 3 weeks. Yesterday, while working with my dad to clean out his workshop, a huge possum was revealed from beneath a pile of leaves and insolation! My dad got more scared then the possum! Lots of laughs as we chased it out of the property!

1 comment:

Shingo said...

I just found your blog through the comment you left on Ryan's blog. so good to find your blog and see you...i missed saying good bye to you...hope you're well.
much love